Booklets for witnesses at court
Several booklets are available to people who are going to court as a witness. These booklets are linked to below, along with some translated versions.
You can also read online information about being a witness at court.
If you're an adult... a criminal court case
You might have been a victim of crime, seen or heard something in connection with the crime, or have information about someone accused of a crime.
Being a witness – going to court
Extra help to be a witness
The court can take extra steps (called 'special measures') to help vulnerable witnesses give the best evidence they possibly can. a Children's Hearing court case
In a Children's Hearing court case, witnesses may have important information about a child's welfare.
Being a witness – going to court
Extra help to be a witness
The court can take extra steps (called 'special measures') to help vulnerable witnesses give the best evidence they possibly can. a civil court case
Civil cases include issues like divorce, debt and parental rights and are dealt with in either the Court of Session or the Sheriff Court.
If you're a child or young person... a criminal court case
You might have been a victim of crime, seen or heard something in connection with the crime, or have information about someone accused of a crime.
Being a witness – a booklet for children in criminal proceedings
Being a witness – a booklet for young people in criminal proceedings
If you're a parent or carer... a criminal court case
The person you care for may have been a victim of crime, seen or heard something in connection with the crime, or have information about someone accused of a crime.
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