Consideration assessment
1. Initial consideration
Disclosure Scotland will check the information they've received and decide whether to consider listing you.
If Disclosure Scotland decides it's not appropriate to consider you for listing, the consideration process will end.
During the initial consideration process, Disclosure Scotland will not tell your current employer about it.
2. Full consideration
If the initial consideration shows that it might be appropriate to list you, Disclosure Scotland will carry out a full consideration for listing.
This will decide if you're listed as unsuitable to do regulated work with children, protected adults or both.
You can continue to work with vulnerable groups while Disclosure Scotland is carrying out this process. If you're a PVG member then your PVG Scheme Record will say you're under consideration for listing.
During a full consideration, Disclosure Scotland will tell your employer and regulatory body that it is considering listing you.
3. Notification and representations
If Disclosure Scotland continues with the full consideration for listing, they'll contact you to let you know:
- that you’re under consideration for listing
- what information Disclosure Scotland has about you
- that you can give any extra information you think is useful
You then have 28 days to send any information which:
- may explain your conduct
- responds to the information given about you
Your information may include testimonies or references that could change Disclosure Scotland’s decision about listing you. This is known as a representation.
4. Information gathering
During the full consideration, Disclosure Scotland will examine the information they have about you. If they need more, they'll contact the relevant organisations to get it.
In some cases, if you give information that’s different to what other sources have provided, Disclosure Scotland will send this information to the sources and ask them for any further comments or evidence they hold.
Any extra evidence Disclosure Scotland gets from other sources will be given to you so you can respond to it.
5. Making a decision
Once they have the information they need, Disclosure Scotland will decide whether you're added to one or both lists.
Disclosure Scotland will give its decision in writing to:
- you
- any organisation you’re doing regulated work for
- any relevant regulatory body
It's a good idea to keep your letter because it's a record of Disclosure Scotland's decision.
If you’re working for a personal employer, your employer will not be notified in writing about Disclosure Scotland's decision. A personal employer is an individual who employs another person to carry out a role. For example, someone might employ a carer for themselves or a tutor for their child.
6. If Disclosure Scotland decides not to list you
If you’re a PVG member and Disclosure Scotland decides not to list you, they will update their records to show you’re no longer under consideration for listing.
Disclosure Scotland will tell any interested parties, like current regulated work employers or regulatory bodies, that they decided not to list you.
Disclosure Scotland will not send out an updated PVG certificate unless you apply for one.
7. If Disclosure Scotland decides to list you
If you’re listed, you’re not allowed to work with the vulnerable groups covered by that list.
It's against the law for someone barred from regulated work to do it. It's also against the law for an organisation to employ them in the regulated work that they’re barred from.
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