Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service

Responsible for the prosecution of crime and the investigation of sudden or suspicious deaths and complaints against the police.
After a crime: your rights
Your rights as a victim or witness of crime – includes information on the Victims' Code for Scotland and the Standards of Service for victims and witnesses. -
After the verdict: victims and witnesses
What happens after a verdict at court, including information on sentencing, appeals and the Victim Notification Scheme. -
After your police interview: victims and witnesses
Information for victims and witnesses about the police investigation, the prosecution process, the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration and how to ask for information. -
Being a witness at court
Information for witnesses of criminal, civil and Children’s Hearing court cases. Includes where to get support if you're worried about giving evidence, and special measures for vulnerable witnesses. -
Being arrested: your rights
Includes powers of arrest, rights in custody, legal advice at the police station, young people and vulnerable adults. -
Being charged with a crime
What happens if the police charge you with a crime. Includes being released on an undertaking or kept in police custody until your first court hearing. -
Children and young witnesses at court
If you need to go to court and you’re not sure what will happen, you can get support to help you feel ok about talking at court. -
Complain about the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS)
How to complain to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) if you’re unhappy with their service. -
Domestic abuse: support
Get help if you're experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. -
Families of murder victims: support
Support for families and friends who've been bereaved as a result of a murder or culpable homicide. -
Find your local procurator fiscal office
Find contact details and opening times for your local procurator fiscal office. -
Get support as a victim or witness of crime
Find emotional support and practical information if you have been the victim of crime. -
Hate crime: support
Crimes committed against someone because of their disability, gender-identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. -
Human trafficking: support
Find out how to report human trafficking and how to get help. -
If a death is reported to the procurator fiscal
Information about what happens when a death is reported to the procurator fiscal, including post mortems and fatal accident inquiries. -
If a young person gets in trouble with the police
What happens if a child or young person gets in trouble with the police – includes the age of criminal responsibility and children's hearings. -
If you're the carer of a witness
Information for carers of witnesses with learning disabilities. -
Make a victim statement
Make a written statement that tells a court how a crime affected you. -
Ownerless property
Find out about bona vacantia, ultimus haeres and treasure trove. -
Police and fiscal warnings, fines and compensation
The police or procurator fiscal can give you a warning, penalty notice or another alternative to prosecution (direct measure) if you're accused of a crime. -
Rape and sexual assault: support
If you've been raped or sexually assaulted, the police and support organisations are there to help. -
Stalking: support
Find out how to report stalking and what support is available to you. -
Understanding criminal justice
Information for victims and witnesses on what happens at each stage of the criminal justice system. -
Victim and witness harassment: support
What to do and how to get support if you’re being harassed because you’ve reported a crime. -
What happens at a criminal court case
A guide for victims and witnesses on what happens if a criminal case goes to court. -
What to do when someone dies
The steps you must take when someone dies – register a death, the procurator fiscal, funerals and bereavement support. -
Witness expenses for going to court
Information for witnesses on claiming expenses for travelling to court, meals and loss of earnings.
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