Housing and local services
Find out about owning and renting a property, council services and emergency planning.
Find your local council in Scotland
Visit your local council website.
Buying and owning a property
Information about buying, taxing, keeping and selling a home or business property.
Self-building a home
Information about building your own home or renovating an existing derelict property.
Planning permissions, appeals and building regulations
Find out how to get planning permission, appeal a planning decision and meet building regulations and standards.
Mobile homes
Information for mobile home owners, mobile home site owners and gypsy travellers.
Landlords, letting agents and property factors
Find out what you need to know if you are a landlord, including how to hire a letting agent or property factor.
Short-term let licences
The law around short-term lets has changed. Find out if you need a short-term let licence and how to apply for one.
Council Tax
Find out about registering for council tax, ways to pay, if you cannot pay, exemptions and tax bands.
Home energy
Information on making your home more energy efficient and reducing energy bills.
Water supplies and sewerage
Find out about water supplies and sewerage.
Repossessions, homelessness and evictions
Information on what support is available to help you stay in your home. Includes your rights if you're homeless or have nowhere safe to stay.
Renting a property
Information on starting and ending a tenancy with a private landlord, or applying for social housing.
Noise, neighbours, pets and pests
Includes neighbour disputes, reporting noise nuisance and looking after pets.
Community safety and crime prevention
Includes personal and home safety, terrorism and weather emergencies like flooding.
Bins, rubbish and recycling
Check council websites for bin collection days, how to report a missed bin, bulky uplift and other things to do with rubbish.
Public libraries
Library services in Scotland, including find your local library and online resources.
Report a pothole
Potholes and damaged roads can be dangerous for motorists and cyclists. Report potholes to your local council.
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