Tools and guidance on getting started, finance, premises and employing people.
Develop ideas for businesses, products or services
Information to help you develop ideas for businesses, products or services.
Starting a business
Information on business planning, registering a company and starting a new business.
Growing a business
Information on planning, events, support networks and funding.
Selling or closing a business
Find information on selling or closing a business.
Non-domestic rates (business rates)
Guidance on non-domestic rates and relief, including appeals.
Funding your business or idea
Check the types of business funding available and increase your chances of putting in a successful application.
Managing a business
Information on buying or renting premises, business insurance, business skills and data protection.
Employing people
Your legal obligations to staff, including information on recruitment, leave and contracts.
Includes information on company tax returns, corporation rates and reliefs, paying your tax bill and VAT.
Information and help on importing goods and services to Scotland.
Information and help on exporting goods and services from Scotland.
Licences and regulations
Find out whether your business is regulated, whether you need a licence to operate and who you should apply to.
Running a charity or community group
How to set up a charity or social enterprise, charity regulator appeals and support for community groups.
Finance and accounts
Includes information on accounting, bookkeeping, bankruptcy, cashflow, payroll and debt recovery.
Waste and energy
Find advice and support to help your business become more environmentally aware and efficient.
Business sectors
Find specialist support depending on the industry you do business in.
Working with Scottish businesses from abroad
Information on working with Scottish businesses if you live abroad, including: trade, making investments or setting up a business in Scotland.
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