Disability, child, food, heating, carers
Disability and illness
Adult Disability Payment, Child Disability Payment, moving from DWP
Children and family
Best Start Grant, Best Start Foods, Scottish Child Payment
Contact Social Security Scotland
Webchat, phone, post, benefit fraud, complaints
Heating and housing
Get help with energy bills and housing costs, including benefits and allowances.
Emergency and crisis payments
Winter Heating Payment, Scottish Welfare Fund, grants
Upload your documents
Sending documents, help, your data
Carer's Allowance Supplement, Carer Support Payment, Young Carer Grant
After you apply
Overpayments, re-determinations, appeals, leaving Scotland
Funeral Support Payment, housing rights
Benefit calculators
You can use an independent benefits calculator to check what benefits you could get, how to claim and how your benefits will be affected if you start work.
Jobs and work
Job Start Payment, apply, finding a job
Report a change in your life
Changing address, payment details, sending documents
Help to apply for benefits
Claiming, extra support, local delivery, appointees
Help after splitting up
Financial help, claiming benefits, savings
Your disability benefit review
Complete your disability benefit review
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