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Types of tickets

Local councils manage parking by using different rules and restrictions, known as 'Traffic Regulation Orders' (TROs). You may be given a parking ticket if you don't follow the rules where you've parked.

The different types of parking tickets are:

Find out how to pay your ticket.


Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

PCNs are issued by local council parking attendants and are usually given if the rules set out in the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) have been broken. The attendant will give the ticket to the driver or put it on your car.

These are given when you park in a place you shouldn't e.g. in a bus lane.

You'll have 28 days to pay or challenge the ticket.

The council will reduce the fine by 50% if you pay within 14 days.


Excess Charge Notices (ECN)

ECNs are given by some councils. They're normally given when you don't follow parking rules in council car parks. By parking, you agree to the terms and conditions of the car park - including extra charges associated with the parking.

Any excess charge notices should be clearly displayed within the car park.

These are paid or appealed differently depending on the council - check your ticket for details.

If you don't pay your ECN in time, the council can register the debt with the court and recover the fine.


Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN)

FPNs are issued by police officers. They'll give the ticket to you or put it on your car. These are given when:

  • you park somewhere you shouldn't - for example, on double yellow lines
  • you park in a disabled parking space without a valid blue badge

You'll have 21 days to pay or challenge the ticket.

You can also get FPNs for other offences e.g. speeding or anti-social behaviour.


Parking charge notices

If you park on private land, private companies can issue their own fines. You might get a private parking ticket in a supermarket car park or in a multi-storey car park.

Citizens Advice Scotland has information on parking tickets on private land.

Bus Lane FPNs or Enforcement Charge Notices

If you're caught driving in a bus lane when you shouldn't be you could get a penalty. Bus lanes are in operation all the time, unless they have a sign that shows the times when you can't drive in them.

The penalties you can get are:

  • Bus lane Enforcement Charge Notices - in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow from the local council
  • Bus Lane Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) - anywhere in Scotland where there are bus lanes

Bus Lane FPNs are given by the police.

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