The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber

Formed to deal with results of rent or repair issues in private sector housing. The Chamber can also help resolve issues that arise between homeowners and property factors.
These were the functions of the former Tribunals that the Chamber replaced: The Private Rented Housing Panel (PRHP) and Homeowner Housing Panel (HOHP).
Asking for repairs as a tenant
Information on how to get your landlord to carry out repairs if you're renting in Scotland. -
Carrying out repairs as a landlord
Information on dealing with tenant requests for repairs, as well as the Repairing Standard and Tolerable Standard. -
Landlord right of entry
Information on how to gain access to a property if you're a landlord. -
Letting agent regulation (information for landlords)
Information on the Letting Agent Code of Practice and how to complain about your letting agent. -
Letting agent regulation (information for tenants)
Information on the Letting Agent Code of Practice and how to complain about your letting agent. -
Property factors
Information on hiring a property factor (also known as a property manager) to take care of maintenance in a block of flats. -
Resolving a rented housing dispute
Information on how to resolve a housing dispute when you're a private tenant or a private landlord.
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