Low income Cost of Living Payment
You may be entitled to 3 Cost of Living Payments (£301, £300 and £299) if you get any of the following benefits or tax credits on certain dates:
- Universal Credit
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Income Support
- Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Working Tax Credit
When you'll get the payment
If you’re entitled, you'll get:
- £301 paid during spring 2023 for most people
- £300 paid during autumn 2023 for most people
- £299 paid during spring 2024 for most people
How you'll get the payment
If you qualify you’ll get the payments automatically. You do not need to apply.
You'll get paid the same way as your benefit or tax credit.
Further information about the Cost of Living payment
There's different rules about other benefits and some people's situations.
If you’re unsure if you qualify check the full Cost of Living Payments guidance on GOV.UK.
Contact DWP or HMRC
DWP and HMRC use a computer program to check who qualifies for a Cost of Living Payment.
If you need to talk to someone, you should contact the office that pays your benefit or tax credits.
You can find the contact number on your benefit or tax award letter.
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