Consumer rights and complaints
Consumer protection and rights for goods and services – includes staying safe online and refunds.
Consumer rights
How to get a refund, repair or replacement when something you buy from a shop is faulty.
Nuisance calls
How to deal with unwanted and unsolicited phone calls.
Reduce the amount of junk mail you get
Information on how to get less unwanted mail delivered to your home.
Protecting your computer and devices online
Information about protecting your computer and devices against online threats and fraud.
Protecting your money online
Information about banking online, with your mobile and contactless, donating money to charity online and online transactions.
Report food crime
Find out what food crime is and how to report it.
Staying safe online
Information about staying safe online, including: social media, apps, online fraud, cyber bullying, deleting your browser history and reporting online crime to the police.
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